You Are Saved
June 26th, 2023
“Dad, I know you’re not dead, but can I get my inheritance?”“Umm ... sure, son.”So the prodigal son took his inheritance and ran off to another country. He spent all his money living a wild life. Afte...  Read More
You Are Blessed
April 25th, 2023
Santa Claus is a thug. I mean, really. He sits on his throne all year, judges kids, then hands out gifts to those who are good and lumps of coal to those who are bad.I hated that picture growing up, b...  Read More
You Are Flawless
April 25th, 2023
The Bible tells a story about an unclean woman. She’s an outcast. According to the law in her culture, she cannot touch or be touched by anyone. She’s tried for years to get better, visiting every doc...  Read More
Can We Trust the Bible?
April 23rd, 2023
A quick trip to Google or Reddit will reveal all sorts of claims from skeptics and atheists about the Bible, Jesus, and God. The world is filled with fake news. The moment we hear an assertion by a co...  Read More
You are God's Masterpiece
January 22nd, 2023
In an experiment a number of years ago, a psychologist put large realistic scars on the faces of a group of people, then told them to go out to see how the public reacted to them. 2 However, before th...  Read More
You are United to Christ
January 22nd, 2023
The star of every wedding is the bride. But as a pastor, I get a close up of someone else: the groom.Have you seen the eyes of the groom when he first sees his bride? Tears, excitement, awe. When you ...  Read More
You are Blameless
January 22nd, 2023
When I was in the fifth grade, I thought I was the coolest kid in school. In my class of about thirty kids, I thought I ruled the roost. I was the class clown, and was always in trouble for talking ou...  Read More
You are Wonderfully Made
January 22nd, 2023
Is there anything better than Amazon Prime? One click, and boom, your package is delivered. I can barely get to the door before I hear a knock from the UPS guy.I recently ordered some shoes online for...  Read More
You Are Qualified
January 22nd, 2023
Obedient, moral, and faithful. These are the words the Bible uses to describe Abraham. If you grew up in church, you probably heard how Abraham was so obedient that he was willing to sacrifice his son...  Read More
God Delights in You
January 22nd, 2023
I don’t have children, but my little brother was born when I was seventeen, so I got to experience some of the things parents do. I remember the love I felt when little Christian first came home. It w...  Read More
You Are Loved by God
December 18th, 2022
“Marry a prostitute.”Sorry, Lord, I misunderstood you. What did you say? “Hosea, I want you to marry a prostitute and have a family.”This is what God tells Hosea—a teacher of God, a man of respect. Go...  Read More
Christ Accepts You
November 11th, 2022
Growing up, I had a lazy eye. I think I still have it, but it’s not as lazy anymore. Anyway, part of the therapy for my lazy eye was wearing an eye patch. You know, like pirates wear.In the third grad...  Read More